A sub-project of IKID

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**Interdisciplinary AI Exploratorium:** Integrated Teaching for the Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence based on Physical-Virtual Demonstrators is a project funded by BMBF and MWK BW. *(German: Interdisziplinäres KI-Exploratorium: Integrierte Lehre zur verantwortungsvollen Nutzung Künstlicher Intelligenz auf Basis physisch-virtueller Demonstratoren, short IKID)* The majority of current AI teaching formats view AI from a single isolated perspective. However, a responsible use of AI requires a comprehensive view from different perspectives: Technology, Economics, Law, and Ethics. This project aims to fill this gap in current university teaching in an innovative way. Within this project, an AI Exploratorium will be created, which will present eight different use cases and their complexity of AI and thus make them directly tangible for students. To ensure that these use cases are not limited by physical access, an IT infrastructure (Sandbox) will be created that allows students to use this infrastructure remotely as well. The **Sandbox** allows both teachers and students to work independently on a containerized platform which includes a web based integrated development environment in the context of the AI Exploratorium. This enables collaborative work on case studies available on a shared data pool. Additionally, synthetic data can be generated to simulate subject related scenarios in order to analyse AI related behaviour within training pipelines. For further information and how to use the **Sandbox**, please have a look at the public available [documentation](

Project funded and supported by: